Regardless of the type of commercial business you have, we are sure that we are right when we say that it wouldn’t hurt to expand the channels of contact and sales with your customersPhone card transactions are now easier to enable and more cost-effective than ever before thanks to PAYbyCALL technology.
We implement PAYbyCALL technology as an alternative method of payment by credit or debit card over the phone without unexpected surprises or service interruptions, in an agile manner and advising you throughout the process. You only need to have a “traditional” POS, virtual or physical. Here we explain in a few words how we do it.
MO/TO transactions without human intervention
Before we get into APIs and integrations, you might want to know what secure card payment by phone is all about. We have explained it in more detail in our blog, but we can summarize in a couple of paragraphs what it is and what advantages it brings to your business.
Purchasing by telephone with the card (often referred to as ” telephone order payment“) is a very frequent and agile resource, in which the customer requests a purchase and identifies him/herself to the sales agent. The problem is that this identification (personal and financial data of the credit card) is done without the physical presence of the cardholder and in front of human agents.
This handicap, which traditionally entails greater risks of identity theft, fraudulent use of data, human error and, consequently, generates greater problems for businesses, has been solved by means of the IVR telephone payment, without human interventionThe PCI-DSS level 1 standard (established by the major card payment companies: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, etc.), which makes it a highly secure method of payment.
The POS, the same as always
Whether you are a purely physical retailer, you sell over the phone or your business has a presence in the digital world, POS is a truly indispensable tool in this day and age.and shows great potential when combined, for example, with a virtual PBX and customer service processes.

We can get even more out of your POS if we “teach” it to automate the collection and management of customer data. The person ordering the purchase enters his or her data on the keyboard or by voice and the machine takes care of “talking” with the issuing and acquiring banks without the dreaded friction of long waits, data spelling, inaccurate information or channel changes.
Thus, from the customer’s perspective, the mechanics of payment processing are similar, except that their data will not pass through human hands or be stored anywhere. For the merchant, the mechanics are also identical, except that sales agents will have more time for other tasks and the frequency of repudiation, chargebacks or returns will be reduced.
Smooth as a glove integration
The integration of PAYbyCALL technology with your call center systems, virtual switchboard, remote payment, databases, etc. is done through a REST API, that is, a set of protocols and instructions based on a specific architecture. For practical purposes, this means that the integration is simple, highly functional and easily adaptable.
Customization and adaptation to the specific needs of each business is an enormous virtue that adds to the advantages of telephone card payment in general, providing resources to refine sales and customer service processes with flexibility and immediacy. In other words, PAYbyCALL adapts to the business model, not the other way around.
To this end, we provide all the necessary advice from the moment prior to implementation and throughout the entire process, until reaching a fully efficient integration with the pre-existing systems and with the needs and characteristics of the business, whatever they may be.