
Charge telephone services by card? Yes, with PAYby CALL

In other blog posts we have referred to telephone payment solutions (e.g. municipal taxes) or to prominent business cases of telephone card payment (e.g. home delivery). Today it is the turn of another privileged sector in this regard: telephone services.

But we are not talking about customer service or selling over the phone, but about professional consulting, leisure or entertainment services. The telephone channel is favored on some occasions and for a wide variety of reasons for contracting a large number of services; here we will review some of them and see how they fit in with the PAYby CALL solution.

The broad industry of providing professional services over the telephone

Because of its convenience, ease of use and sometimes even the anonymity it provides, the telephone is a first-rate tool in the provision of many professional and leisure services. We are thinking of both technical consultations (legal advice, psychology or repairs, to name just three) and entertainment activities (gambling, tarot) or services for adults.

And on the near horizon we will see these types of phone-based transactions grow as part of the logic of remote business. From medical consultations to coaching services to mass participation campaigns or premium training and expertise services in the most diverse areas, to name just a few examples.

Light years ahead of premium rate numbers

Currently, the most common method of charging for services provided by telephone is the special tariff numbering (the famous 80x and 90x numbers), whereby the cost of the call is paid by the caller, including the provision of the service.

It sounds as bad as it is. In addition to generating from the outset a significant rejection effect on the potential customer, the intervention of operators with whom the service providers contract the premium rate lines necessarily implies an increase in the cost for the end customer.

Other methods, such as this other more “artisanal” method of even give our data to a human agent to authorize the transactionThe new technologies have even fewer safety guarantees, and do not comply at all with the payment card industry data security standard guidelinesThis can have undesirable consequences for all parties.

What are the advantages of PAYby CALL to charge for telephone services?

Maintaining the agility and immediacy of the telephone channel is the first obvious advantage of telephone billing, thus reducing friction. But security is, for both the professional and the customer, the strong point of the PAYby CALL solution.

Regardless of whether the rate is per minute or flat rate, at the time of charging, the customer is referred by the person to whom he/she is speaking to a automatic system without human interventionThis system sends the data to the bank without storing them and with the highest levels of encryption and security.

This solution is easily integrated with platforms, software tools or web services, highly customizable and has interesting possibilities for this business model: pre-authorizations, recurring payments, tokenization, interactive streaming content and many more. This makes it easier to generate added value and differentiate yourself from the competition in strategic and sensitive issues, such as collection.

Give your service over the phone and get paid over the phone

But do it with all the guarantees of efficiency, safety and functionality, both for you and for your customers. Do you want more information?

Learn about our service