The telephone remains a primary communication channel between companies, whatever their size, and their customers, whatever their profile.
In addition, with the current concern for the security of our personal and financial data, an efficient telephone business flow requires automatic payment without a human operator. Reserve your sales agents for what they are really needed, i.e. to bring the added value of the personal touch to the sale,
Paying for a product or service is still a procedure that can be handled by machines (and better than people). In certain business models, as we told you some time ago, secure card payment by phone is already the norm. But there are many use cases where automated unattended payment can improve a company’s economic performance.
And here are some examples.
Administrative and legal advice
Let’s imagine that you are in the legal consulting business, or that your product is administrative or tax advice. In this day and age, it is very likely that your customers do not want to physically travel to receive these services. And surely you can give them by telephone a service with all the guarantees of quality.
In such cases it is in the best interest of both parties to facilitate the payment of the service as much as possible and to resolve it as immediately as possible. Just as it is becoming easier and easier to carry out bureaucratic procedures over the phone, imagine how easy it is to resolve collections by the same means…
Health and wellness services
After the pandemic, we have normalized medical attention by telephone; and rightly so, since most of the patients’ doubts can be solved with a simple phone call. Something similar happens with other related services: psychological care sessions, personal coaching interventions, tarot consultations, etc.
These are the cases where it is most evident that the human factor is irreplaceable for some tasks, but perfectly dispensable in others. Concentrate your efforts and those of your staff on serving your customers, not on charging them; this can be done in an automated way, and with more security and speed for everyone.
Telematic technical assistance
The area of the customer service and after-sales technical assistance is one of the most appreciated by customers in any type of service, such as everything related to technology and information, tool procurement, automotive, basic supplies, construction material, tourism services… The list would be endless.

Solving problems is the priority in this type of service, so agility is essential. Saving time (and money) on unnecessary travel, for example, is good for both your business and your customer.
Telephone sales
You may sell sports equipment, designer clothes or floral ornaments; package tours, gourmet packs or agricultural supplies; pet accessories, car parts or collectibles. Your storefront can be online, but why not expand your counter staff with a bot?
With the rise of the e-commerce model, any sales channel is not enough to convert customers. Thus, in parallel to online sales, the telephone allows you to establish a more direct relationship with your potential customers, strengthening their trust and minimizing abandoned carts with a convenient, secure and automated payment method.
Reservations for events
Do you organize cultural events? Are you involved in the organization of events of a certain size? Do you have a high volume of customers in your hotel or restaurant or leisure facilities? You may want to simplify and streamline your processes with automated telephone payment.
Any economic activity that requires a reserve goes through a critical moment, that of acquisition. Reduce friction and generate a positive feeling that will be your best brand image to your customers.
Can we help you?
Surely you, who know your business better than we do, can imagine many more applications… Let us know your specific needs and we will be happy to advise you personally.