PAYbyCALL for administrations: secure and fast payments over the phone
The credit card telephone payment system has a large number of applications beyond the private sector. Indeed, we often look at the use cases of

If you have POS, you can have PAYbyCALL
Regardless of the type of commercial business you have, we are sure that we are right when we say that it wouldn’t hurt to expand

PaybyCall and catalog sales: safer, more convenient, more customers
Catalog sales have been with us for decades and certainly have a long way to go (now, in digital mode, more than ever). A secure

Physically cash at your store with PAYbyCALL? Of course!
At PAYbyCALL we are specialists in overcoming obstacles and jumping over barriers. The frontier that separates the different payment methods is becoming more permeable every

How to increase conversion with telephone payments?
Customer conversion rate, here’s a metric that marketing and sales people agree on: it matters, and matters a lot. And any possibility we have at

How does secure telephone payment help small businesses?
More efficient, more secure, more competitive; that is how we want small businesses to be; and that is how they should be, in their own

Mitigating risk in MO/TO transactions
We have no doubt that MO/TO transactions sound absolutely familiar to you, although you may not know them by that name; if we are talking about

Telephone card purchases, the great ally of the infocommercial sector
In the world of direct marketing, the infomercial has a place of honor in its own right. Since the golden age of television advertising that

Virtual POS and telephone payment, yes, but 100 % secure
In an increasingly competitive and now absolutely global business context, it is necessary for any commercial company to have all the possible technological tools at